creative movement


Body Mapping
Creative movement and dance
Alper Akcay-İstanbul

Our meeting based on discovering the creativity within our bodies.It is not only for people who love to move…
Come and join this group work.

One of the first forms of creativity is the baby’s play with his own body.It is a vital force that drives all forms of human expressions in its infinite manifestation.The human body, as a living entity, is constantly pulsating, every part of our organism has a characteristic way of doing it.Everybody has his/her own way of movement.

Creative Movement develops the ability of listening, differentiating, clarifying an understanding.It reawakens in us a multiplicity of new sensory experiences, imagination, and thought. That is starting from the first spontaneous creative impulse to conclusion of end of one cycle.

Our contact with the Self and a good relationship with our environment are seen as determining elements for the blossoming of creativity.
It can help contribute to healing the rapture in an individual’s potential for creative movement.It improves thus the quality of a person’s life and relationship with others.

We are inviting you to a playful three hours workshop with Alper Akcay from İstanbul. He opens up the knowledge from meditative and creative movement, intuitive massage and type of dance which helps way of expressing emotions freely. To using of all this field, participants may discover and experience the healing aspect of the work.We could remember that we can use our body as a playground.With traditional or methodogical movement exercises , that focused on awaken and improve the ability of the body, will smootly transforms to a dance improvisation while using some accessories that based on a methaporical expressions. While having this non verbal communication according through stilness or authentic movements and witnessing, we will observe the feedback that our body gives to rhtym and music.

One of the aim with this work is to build a bridge between sensation of the body, movement, image, emotion and metaporical meanings.In this way of playing together; harmony, emphaty or syncronicity will experienced on simultaniously interacted body-mind layers in between the participants.

Get ready to have fun and discover!


We need comfortable clothes for moving and dance.Prepare your self to lie down on ground etc.One small towel,water can could be good.

Preregistration is required.In this way we could prepare for you some basic materials we use in workshop.But If you have any painting color set plaese mention while you are making your registration.